Nine Dragons - S09E01
Time Number Meaning
7:42 63rd "63rd MAW"/On front of C-141 aircraft/Home unit at Norton AFB, CA
7:53 0182 Tail number?/At front of aircraft above "63rd MAW"
8:44 205 HPD Unit number
10:37 314 Secured room where toxin is kept at University when not in use
11:29 320 Room for "Laboratory 2"
11:29 2 Laboratory 2/On door
13:22 6 "Scale 6" at Customs
13:22 5 "Scale 5" at Customs
13:22 I-94 Customs form for "Non-Citizens Only"
13:27 4 "Scale 4" at Customs
13:32 3 "Scale 3" at Customs
13:32 15-17 On Customs sign behind counter
14:13 4 Safety inspection sticker on Wo Fat's car
14:13 …5 On pavement in front of airport terminal
16:47 0 - 90 Safe dial on door where toxins stored/Increments of 10
17:18 37 Cab number/On roof sign
19:11 3803 House number for Professor Po Ling
20:54 321 Room next to Laboratory 2/Closet?
27:25 Multiple numbers Building directory at University
33:35 309 Utility room
36:20 24 Dumpster/Labeled "U.H.FAC.MGMT."
39:09 0 - 80 Pressure gauge/Increments of 20
47:25 HS-VGE Registry number: Air Siam DC-10/Tail "number"
47:25 10 "Thailand's First DC-10"/On engine cowling of aircraft
47:35 VR-HKB? Registry number: Hong Kong aircraft in foreground/Tail "number"
57:53 20 Speed Limit at airport/Posted on gate/Seen twice
1:07:40 Multiple numbers Parts of Hong Kong maps on wall
1:08:00 1st  |  22 Street markers? on concrete wall
1:09:31 Multiple numbers Street markers? on concrete wall
1:10:12 1:47 Clock on Inspector D. W. Blake's desk
1:12:54 2:16 Clock on Inspector Blake's desk
1:16:16 Jan. 1976 Phone book binder in booth Anthony Waring uses
1:19:59 3 "Police No. 3"/Boat number for Hong Kong Marine Police
1:27:45 5 - 3 Countdown on film/Increments of 1
Assault On The Palace - S09E02
Time Number Meaning
6:23 732-5577 Phone number for "Joe's Taxi"
6:28 0 - 120 Speedometer in Joe's taxi/Increments of 10
6:59 3 Interrogation room at HPD where all the petty criminals are talked to
6:59 944-1212 Phone number/ For Crime stoppers?
9:17 1 - 3 List of banks Thomas Horton robbed
9:17 555-6465 Phone number for "An Admirer"
9:48 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Horton uses
9:48 YO 154 Registry number: Unnamed US Navy tanker
12:20 2250 Street number on mailbox to bar
15:00 212 HPD Unit number
20:02 3082 Badge number of HPD policewoman arriving with lei for McGarrett
36:09 Multiple numbers Block numbers? on map of Honolulu in Joe Malua's apartment
39:20 136 HPD Unit number
39:29 25 Speed Limit on street Marquis Brougham is on/School Zone
39:50 209 HPD Unit number
Oldest Profession-Latest Price - S09E03
Time Number Meaning
11:11 HA 400 LA Registry number: McGarrett's White sailboat
11:16 HA 7009 A Registry number: Yellow boat docked at same marina as McGarrett
32:58 207? HPD Unit number
33:03 96815 Zip code/Post Office in background
43:43 166 HPD Unit number
44:28 220 HPD Unit number
Man On Fire - S09E04
Time Number Meaning
4:52 1 "Rescue 1"/On helmets of five firefighters
16:50 2PM Time met at Aloha Stadium/On chalkboard in McGarrett's office
18:48 1786 On poster in HR person's cubicle/"Moku Pe'a Maui 1786"
27:37 24-2935? Index for book "A B Dick" on shelf at Unified Resources Ltd.
33:41 12 "Freon 12"/On tack sitting on shelf at Leila Kapehala's station
36:10 0 - 16 DC Amperes?/Increments of 4, 1 is also seen
36:36 0 - 16 AC Amperes?/Increments of 4, 1 is also seen
37:01 166 HPD Unit number
39:05 312-16-J "Nuclear Services Div. 312-16-J"/On wooden crate
41:43 236 HPD Unit number
Tour De Force, Killer Aboard - S09E05
Time Number Meaning
3:34 $1.00 Cost of car wash for fundraiser
5:21 732-5577 Phone number for Bernie's cab/On roof sign/Seen at 40:53 on door
19:57 $5 million Part of newspaper headline/"City could be facing $5 million Kukui jolt"
19:57 4 - 10 Floor indicators for all elevators at Ilikai/Increments of 1/Seen 5 times
19:57 8  |  10  |  7 Lighted indicators for elevators at Ilikai
19:57 10 - 15 Floor indicators for all elevators at Ilikai/Increments of 1/Seen 4 times
19:57 13 Lighted indicator for elevator at Ilikai/Moves 13 to 16
20:09 20 - 24 Floor indicators for all elevators at Ilikai/Increments of 1/Seen 3 times
20:09 22 Lighted indicator for elevator at Ilikai/Moving up
20:09 23 - 25 Floor indicators for all elevators at Ilikai/Increments of 1/Seen 3 times
20:09 24 Lighted indicator for elevator at Ilikai/Stops at 24
20:27 11 - 26 Buttons in elevator car at Ilikai
20:33 2 - 10 Floor indicator inside elevator at Ilikai/Increments of 1/Lights 2 to 7
20:39 8 - 19 Floor indicator inside elevator at Ilikai/Increments of 1/Lights 12 to 15
20:45 15 - 23  Floor indicator inside elevator at Ilikai/Increments of 1/Lights 18 to 20
20:56 2400  |  2420 Room placard on wall on 24th floor
21:20 19 - 24 Floor indicator on elevator at Ilikai/Increments of 1/24 is lighted
24:19 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Raymond/John Huston's room
30:10 HA 7000 C Registry number: Orange sailboat behind Sandi Welles and Raymond/Huston
30:16 16267 Number on sail of Orange sailboat/Seen twice, once backwards
34:32 129 Raymond/Huston's hotel room on Kauai
35:20 24th "24th Floor" written on map of Ilikai Hotel
38:26 236 HPD Unit number
38:42 166 HPD Unit number
42:45 9619 5852 Printed on box on shelf behind Sandi
43:26 23 Floor number in stairwell
43:32 24 Floor number in stairwell
47:10 241-9 Printed on box on shelf behind Sandi
The Last Of The Great Paperhangers - S09E06
Time Number Meaning
5:43 3 Runway marker
5:58 7 "Gate 7" sign at airport behind McGarrett and Danny/Seen again at 46:20
6:44 1505 Street number for Hawaii National Bank/Above door, seen backwards
7:05 1  |  2  |  2  | 4 Signature lines on bank form/Second 2 and 4 at bottom of form
7:36 1832? Street number for building where Waikiki Rotary Club meets
10:20 890.00 Cost of item on requisition form
10:20 190.00 Cost of item on requisition form
10:20 182.00 Cost of item on requisition form
10:20 $14,302.00 Total cost of order on requisition form
12:07 0 - 9 Numbers on check machine in columns/Increments of 1/Eight columns
12:13 $14,302.00 Amount check is stamped for
12:13 0793825 Check number from "State of Hawaii"
13:55 $1,350.00 Cost of item on requisition form
17:36 94-86457 Registry number: US Navy Drab Green truck
17:36 92-19621 Registry number: US Navy Black sedan
24:46 94-86457 Registry number: US Navy Drab Green truck/Hunter Hickey's forgery
33:50 94200 Check number from "U.S. Treasury Department"
33:50 20000 and 00 Dollars and Cents/Amount of check - made to "U.S. Navy"
33:50 $200,000.00 Amount of check made out to "U.S. Navy"
34:05 38791 Check number from "U.S. Treasury Department"
34:05 75 and 00 Dollars and Cents/Amount of check - made to U.S. Navy seaman
39:54 Multiple numbers Written on boxes at Government Printing Office
48:01 7-A Gate behind Danny, Calvin and Janice Lockman
48:07 $10,000 Bands on money in carry on/Seen twice
48:27 226 HPD Unit number
Heads, You're Dead - S09E07
Time Number Meaning
4:05 7941 Number on sail of yacht sailboat/Seen twice, once backwards
5:46 0 - 6 Radio?/Increments of 1
7:20 1790 Year Coast Guard established/On seal in office
14:28 41317 Registry number: Coast Guard cutter
16:38 224 HPD Unit number
16:43 134 HPD Unit number
19:19 166 HPD Unit number
24:00 311 Apartment used by Charlie Turner and his gang
24:00 312? Number on door inside one kicked in by McGarrett
29:51 222 HPD Unit number
30:01 273 Badge number of HPD officer briefing Danny on false alarm
34:47 95326 Registry number: Coast Guard cutter Cape Corwin
39:04 1454 Registry number: Coast Guard C-130
44:37 239 4 Numbers stenciled on the Cape Corwin
45:07 1 "Fire Sta No 1"/Stenciled on Cape Corwin
Let Death Do Us Part - S09E08
Time Number Meaning
1:37 8:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Visiting hours at Halawa Correctional Facility
1:37 12:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.? Visiting hours at Halawa Correctional Facility
16:05 722-6823? Phone number for Five-O/On McGarrett's card when he shows badge
19:45 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on Anita Newhall's Ouija board
29:20 5-0 At top of Claudine Hessler's wanted poster
29:20 5' 6"  |  114 Height and Weight of Claudine/On wanted poster
29:20 732-5577 Phone number for Five-O/On Claudine's wanted poster
31:44 4 Runway marker
32:15 400 Street number for high-rise
Double Exposure - S09E09
Time Number Meaning
13:20 759 Anne Waring's hotel room/Seen on mailbox behind front counter
17:16 759 Anne's hotel room/Placard on door
21:43 1 Date on Vincent Kauoli's watch
24:43 149 On The Bus under windshield and above passenger door
24:43 1 Route 1 for The Bus/Destination - Kahala Mall
37:17 HA 4… Registry number: "Kiholo"/White and Blue cruising boat
46:49 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue HPD helicopter
Yes, My Deadly Daughter - S09E10
Time Number Meaning
1:42 N9230F Registry number: White and Red helicopter
24:35 4 - 5 Height scale on Jerry Quan's mug shot
24:35 71326 Quan's mug shot number
37:29 101 Room where Five-O tells Tony he's being released
40:39 6067 House number for Lee Mei's beach house
42:46 156 HPD Unit number
42:51 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue HPD helicopter
43:51 166 HPD Unit number
Target-A Cop - S09E11
Time Number Meaning
2:08 3 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone Nathan Purdy uses
2:28 211? Badge number of HPD Officer Ichiro
3:04 129 HPD Unit number
3:09 166 HPD Unit number
5:33 40 Badge number of Captain Sakai
6:50 31 Number on basketball jersey worn by a player
7:00 32 Number on basketball jersey worn by a player
9:22 Multiple numbers Police scanner at Purdy's apartment
13:24 164 HPD Unit number
14:00 244 Badge number of HPD Officer Mifune
17:51 2809 House number for Ms. Pelcher
19:28 158 HPD Unit number
26:13 224 Room where officers are briefed/Seen backwards on glass
26:39 Multiple numbers List of description on individual on chalkboard
28:06 58 Street number for Oni's Pawn Shop
32:58 3C Apartment used for bait
35:12 107 Captain Sakai's office/Seen backwards on glass
35:32 135 HPD Unit number
35:48 49 Street number for "Empire Bldg."
36:39 2  |  1 - 2   Sign for "2 Lanes"/"1 - 2" on bottom of sign
36:39 25 Speed Limit on street Tim Ryder, in beat up Cougar, turns onto
43:53 245 McGarrett's badge number on HPD uniform
44:49 246? Danny's badge number on HPD uniform
The Bells Toll At Noon - S09E12
Time Number Meaning
8:16 225 HPD Unit number
12:17 $2.00 Price on ticket found by Duke on the roof
13:29 1732 Kalakaua Ave. Makame Maile's address
13:29 10  |  11  |  1 Times on Makame's information sheet
18:47 Multiple numbers Price list at Varsity movie theater
23:34 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on touch tone pay phone Johnny Kling uses
23:34 …2-5577 Phone number Kling calls/Five-O phone number
26:02 7 "Cabin 7" at Manukai Motel
32:52 1956 ~ 1976 Birth and Death years for Makame
34:24 19327? Number on sail of small catamaran/Seen twice, once backwards
35:51 414 Kling's apartment
37:29 6:30 Time for start of triple feature at Varsity Theater
41:09 1976? Calendar behind McGarrett and Danny at moviola machine
Man In A Steel Frame - S09E13
Time Number Meaning
7:10 7 Safety inspection sticker on McGarrett's car
7:41 278? Badge number of HPD officer (Frank) who takes McGarrett's call
33:18 194 HPD Unit number/Mobile Crime Laboratory van
33:29 903 On boat behind Che and Danny
33:54 7 Safety inspection sticker on rental car used by Malcolm Vaughn
36:59 Multiple numbers On board Yoshi is working on when McGarrett and Danny question him
39:27 150 Part of newspaper headline/"Newly Zoned Area Results in 150 More building Permits"
Ready, Aim….. - S09E14
Time Number Meaning
5:28 1 - 4 Instructions on how to use the pay phone/Increments of 1
5:28 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on touch tone pay phone Robert uses
7:00 7? Safety inspection sticker on rental car used by Kimo Nahashi
11:22 5-0 "Hawaii 5-0" evidence tag
15:07 166 HPD Unit number
18:22 6 - 7 Happy Hour at Paradise Lounge
18:22 1.00 Price? for Happy Hour at Paradise Lounge
23:30 841-2745 Phone number for auto repair shop
23:35 9 Safety inspection sticker on "Hodges TV Repair" van
30:10 12 Safety inspection sticker on Triumph Spitfire
33:36 555-4897 Phone number written on paper in Iso Taguchi's apartment
34:47 4 - 6 Height scale on Benny Dansero's mug shot/Increments of 1
40:42 70 Behind Chin Ho and Duke as they watch from Five-O LTD
Elegy In A Rain Forest - S09E15
Time Number Meaning
3:55 01 On sail of McGarrett's Hobie Cat sailboat/Seen twice on both sides of sail
7:00 Multiple numbers Map McGarrett uses to brief search party
8:27 847-6581 Phone number for Oahu Refuse Collection Co.
11:52 20359 Marcus Lucien's prisoner number/On shirt
Dealer's Choice…..Blackmail - S09E16
Time Number Meaning
4:26 Multiple numbers Craps table in illegal casino
8:01 N29162 Registry number: Yellow and White Cessna aircraft
8:22 310 II Model of aircraft used by Jed Rucker
9:13 N447D Registry number: White and Red Cessna 310 aircraft
10:24 1820 Sticker on windshield of HPD Officer Sandi Welles' car
10:35 N…0599 Registry number: Red and White Cessna? aircraft
21:26 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on touch tone pay phone Mike Welles uses
23:09 95671 Sammy Crane's HPD mug shot number
26:08 89817 Willy Vance's HPD mug shot number
26:08 4 Part of height scale in mug shot above Vance's
29:28 244 HPD Officer Sandi Welles' badge number
32:38 1st Monthly stickers to be purchased by the 1st
32:38 $2.45 Cost of "Lost Ticket"
32:38 45 Cents/Rate per half-hour in garage
32:38 1/2 Part of sign where time periods are broken into half-hours
32:38 1/2 Grace period/First half-hour
33:34 25 Cents/Cost of soda at ice cream truck
39:39 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Sandi uses
39:44 N3955C? Registry number: White and Red aircraft in background
48:12 166 HPD Unit number
A Capitol Crime - S09E17
Time Number Meaning
3:34 175 On The Bus above driver's window
10:43 185 HPD Unit number/Riot truck
10:43 10 000 GVW of HPD riot truck
12:10 278 Badge number of Captain Matthews
To Die In Paradise - S09E18
Time Number Meaning
1:57 9 Cab number/On roof sign
2:28 12 Feet/Clearance in underpass
3:35 732-5577 Phone number for "Islandia Cab"
4:51 82  |  83  |  20 Pillars in warehouse at docks
5:48 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Dennis uses
13:08 81 Pillars in warehouse at docks
25:10 2 for 50 50 Cents/Price of cone sushi
25:21 25 Cents/Cost of ice
27:03 335? Stanley Ducco's hotel room
34:59 7 Cab number/On roof sign
47:54 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue helicopter
Blood Money Is Hard To Wash - S09E19
Time Number Meaning
15:07 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on touch tone pay phone Victor Jovanko uses
15:59 3  |  4 Checkout stands at grocery store 
22:18 5-11 "Gates 5-11 -->" Sign at airport
22:28 12-22 "Gates 12-22 -->" Sign at airport
22:44 501 Cable car in San Francisco
24:21 222 Suite where barber shop is located in San Francisco
25:43 111 Street number for "Far East Trade Assn."
28:28 74 Expiration tag on rental car license plates
28:28 3 Safety inspection sticker on rental car
28:38 15/B 5591 Brown Maverick's license plates/On Danny's notepad
45:05 409 Jovanko's hospital room
To Kill A Mind - S09E20
Time Number Meaning
5:27 4117 Number on Russian hardware on beach
16:28 22 Stenciled on wall where David Hammond is being held
28:49 …9521406 Stenciled on US Government work tarp
29:04 September 17th Date of HPD Daily Report
29:04 CX113 First case on Daily Report/Theft
29:04 1525 Koloa Highway Address for Aloha Construction Company/First case on Daily Report
29:04 600?  |  308 Feet/1" copper pipe  |  Steel support beams/Items in theft
29:04 1 1" copper pipe
29:04 CX114 Second case on Daily Report/Parole Violations
29:09 4340 Kawaiahe Avenue Last known address for second case on Daily Report
29:09 CX1115 Third case on Daily Report/Hit and Run Accident
29:09 20 Cathy Doar's age
29:09 #82/3759 Police Report number for third case on Daily Report
29:09 #11/3… Coroner's Report number for third case on Daily Report
29:09 82801 Edna Road Cathy's address
Requiem For A Saddle Bronc Rider - S09E21
Time Number Meaning
4:47 5-0 Pin on map board behind Danny
8:54 222 Cow-roping contender's number
8:54 76 Painted on fence/Numbers are Red on White fence
8:59 58 or 98 Cow-roping contender's number
9:30 $2.00 Price for admission/ticket per person to rodeo
9:45 210 Contender's number
9:45 76 Painted on fence/Numbers are White on Red fence/Seen three times
10:06 36 Bull riding contender's number
23:42 214 HPD Unit number
25:35 347 On Lani Kapalii's toe tag
27:03 115 On The Bus under windshield and above driver's window
27:08 115 Above windshield inside The Bus
See How She Runs - S09E22
Time Number Meaning
2:33 1 - 3 Instructions on how to use the pay phone/Increments of 1
2:38 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on touch tone pay phone Todd Daniels uses
5:27 233 Street number?/Hotel room? where murder took place
6:14 1 to 3 "Courtrooms 1 to 3" sign on 2nd floor above McGarrett and Danny
7:25 510 Apartment across the hall from Daniels and Liana Meyers
14:51 1? Safety inspection sticker on The Reborn's van
38:11 173 Surfboard for rent behind Daniels and Liana
39:44 8  |  14...  |  80 Surfboards for rent behind Daniels
39:49 9  |  14  |  118  |  68 Surfboards for rent around Liana
Practical Jokes Can Kill You - S09E23
Time Number Meaning
1:46 4HO247 Registry number: US Army transport truck
1:46 12 Placard on front of US Army transport truck
1:46 29BG-299-1 Stenciled on front bumper and back of US Army transport truck
1:46 1SPT 36 Stenciled on front bumper and back  of US Army transport truck
2:12 8 On passenger door of US Army transport truck
2:12 TP 50 Stenciled on fender of US Army transport truck
7:43 1763  1819 Birth and Death years for Kamehameha I
10:26 9 Safety inspection sticker on Todd Seymour's truck
20:53 95483 Clamner's HPD mug shot number
20:53 52659 Pasquez's HPD mug shot number
20:53 2 16 72 Date of Pasquez's mug shot
20:53 69517 Abileno's HPD mug shot number
35:08 5 Oahu Civil Defense Unit
35:13 4 Oahu Civil Defense Unit
35:13 18016 Above stripe under driver's door of Oahu Civil Defense Unit 4
35:24 3 Oahu Civil Defense Unit
43:56 70 Building number of guard shack at gate
46:13 3/71? Stenciled on pallets sitting on ground/Seen twice