Hookman - S06E01
Time Number Meaning
6:05 112 HPD Unit number
10:17 15 Cents/Cost of daily newspaper/On front page of newspaper
10:48 October 9, 1973 Date of newspaper with "Officer Killed By Rooftop Sniper" headline
14;35 154 HPD Unit number
15:05 121 HPD Unit number
15:05 24000 GVW of HPD riot van
17:30 1066 Officer Larry Thomspon's badge number
19:13 2 or 7? Safety inspection sticker on HPD Unit (#154 based on plates)
28:54 10 Speed Limit on street of jewelry shop
29:35 100 - 107 Parking spots on pavement in lot McGarrett nearly gets run down
29:56 0 - 120 Speedometer in Kurt Stoner's Mustang/Increments of 10
29:56 1328.4? Odometer in Stoner's Mustang
30:01 0 - 120 Speedometer in McGarrett's car/Increments of 10
30:01 190.5/6 Odometer in McGarrett's car
35:20 18 Pier 18
35:31 6 Speed Limit on the docks or around warehouse
36:27 4 - 6 Height scale on Stoner's HPD mug shot
36:27 38956 Stoner's HPD mug shot number
36:27 6 12 73 Date of Stoner's HPD mug shot
39:38 1100 Block of Maunakea Street
39:38 100 Block of North Hotel Street
43:03 10 Cents/Cost of daily newspaper/On newspaper/Seen twice
43:43 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Stoner's apartment
45:56 589950 Phone number on a sign
46:01 1948  Street address for "Y. Anw. Ltd., Bldg."
46:52 1150 Block of Smith Street
Draw Me A Killer - S06E02
Time Number Meaning
0:56 1100 Block of Nuuanu Avenue
1:33 583 Number in back window of bus
2:40 106 Number on Verna's Grooming Parlor van
2:45 732-5577 Phone number for Verna's Grooming Parlor
5:04 Multiple numbers On map in McGarrett's office/Points of interest
5:04 July 8 Date of first murder/On map in McGarrett's office
5:04 Aug. 19 Date of second murder/On map in McGarrett's office
5:04 Oct. 2 Date of third murder/On map in McGarrett's office
5:25 1432 File no. for slugs out of Ho Toy
5:25 6/7/73 Date on photos of slugs from Ho Toy
5:30 1987? File no. for slugs out of sailor from USS Moulton
15:35 1022 Street address for International Services Building
16:11 2 Fire Exit door
20:04 $10,000 Amount Judy Moon is about to inherit/In comic strip
21:06 …31-2308 Phone number seen in Yellow Pages
21:06 …45-3991 Phone number seen in Yellow Pages
21:06 Suite 204 1136 Union Address for Aduja Peter in Yellow Pages
21:06 15 S King Address for Agmata & Ing in Yellow Pages
21:16 805 Suite for Gibson, Nickelson, & Rush
21:26 "Enter Rm. 10" Sign for Tanaka, Chun, & Hori Law Office
22:23 2 Courtroom no. 
22:28 106 - Part I Ahuna vs. Anthony case portion in Courtroom 2
22:39 4 Courtroom no. 
22:54 3 Courtroom no./Where Arthur finds the attorney
25:39 1187? Safety inspection sticker? on ambulance
27:18 1.90 Amount on barber shop cash register/Seen backwards
28:20 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone at barber shop
28:20 Multiple numbers Scribbled on blackboard behind barber shop phone
37:07 113 HPD Unit number
37:07 153 HPD Unit number
37:17 154 HPD Unit number
37:17 157 HPD Unit number
37:17 163? HPD Unit number
38:05 201 Room where Danny is fitted with HPD uniform
38:36 1181 Badge number of HPD officer Arthur looks at
41:36 11:45 AM to 4:00 PM Reserved parking hours "For Road Tests Only"
42:06 1219 Danny's Badge number as an HPD officer
43:43 2 Number 2 pencil used by Joe Donner
45:00 66 "Phillips 66" sign in background as Danny walks down the street
45:05 5  6     10  12 14 AM frequencies on radio in McGarrett's car
45:31 5 6 7  8      12  14 AM frequencies on radio in Five-O car
45:31 88 - 108? FM frequencies on radio in Five-O car/Increments of 4
46:02 1883 Date Pantheon Bar established in Honolulu
Charter For Death - S06E03
Time Number Meaning
1:01 95326 Registry number: Coast Guard cutter Cape Corwin
6:32 1449 Registry number: Coast Guard helicopter
7:44 307 Registry number: Coast Guard ship in dock
13:51 14  |  6  |  22 On oceanographic map
14:22 3 Tape drive unit for HPD computer
16:26 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue HPD helicopter
17:49 534 Leo Paoli, Thomas & Teresa Brown's hotel room at the Royal Palm
27:12 110 HPD Unit number
27:12 152 HPD Unit number
29:37 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Thomas uses
32:53 732-5577 Phone number for Manoa Cab Company
32:58 944-… Phone number for Crimestoppers/Poster in Danny's office
39:10 3.00 Admission price to adult only theater
39:10 1164 Street address for adult only theater
39:21 4 - 6 Height scale on mug shots gone through by Five-O/Increments of 1
40:03 6 Height scale on Kamakawi's mug shot/Scale zoomed in
42:57 656 Street address of house where Tamaki walks out of
43:38 1200 Block of Nuuanu Avenue
43:38 100? Block of South Beretania Street
44:59 1161 Maunakea St Address for Loo-Chow across the street from adult theater
45:40 133 HPD Unit number
46:11 $250? Wanted sign behind Danny, Ben and Tamaki
48:09 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue helicopter/Note: Repeated because this second appearance is a different role (not HPD).
One Big Happy Family - S06E04
Time Number Meaning
2:40 37 C Freguson family's Suite at Royal Hawaiian Hotel
4:44 3 Safety inspection sticker on station wagon parked at Seaside Inn
5:20 130 HPD Unit number
5:25 156 HPD Unit number
5:35 194 HPD Unit number/Mobile Crime Lab van
5:35 144 HPD Unit number
20:19 2740-A Behind Jeb and Sam Ferguson on street
21:37 76 Phillips 76 globe at gas station
29:27 25 Speed Limit on street next to Rene's Beauty Shop
30:55 111 "Hilo" PD Unit number
31:37 105? "Hilo" PD Unit number
32:39 N9103H? Registry number: White and Red Hawaiian Airlines aircraft
36:47 134 "Maui" PD Unit number
The Sunday Torch - S06E05
Time Number Meaning
3:00 136 HPD Unit number
3:05 153 HPD Unit number
5:14 E 32 HFD Fire truck/Seen on front, sides and roof
5:40 66 Fire hydrant used
6:57 1024 Nuuanu Avenue Street address where Marty Portobas parks HFD car
7:08 1 "1 Hour Parking" sign
13:45 24 Hayes Guard Service patrols Klepper Pharmaceutical Co. 24 hours
16:04 304 Badge number of Hayes Guard points Ray Stokely for stealing
16:15 73 Expiration year for Stokely's car plates
16:15 7 Safety inspection sticker on Stokely's car
16:25 664  |  AX138… Numbers on boxes in trunk of Stokely's car
17:32 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone at Stokely's house
19:05 366-2471? Phone number for Waikiki Waterpark?/Partially seen
21:04 290 Badge number of Hayes Guard investigating warehouse
23:28 76 Phillips 76 globe at gas station
23:28 E 4 HFD Fire truck/Seen on front and sides
24:04 E 1 HFD Fire truck/Seen on sides
25:32 2 "Rescue 2 HFD" on helmet
25:52 E 3 HFD Fire truck/Seen on sides
29:45 2032 - A1 Ohia St. Address for Stokely/On note
30:05 2032-A1 On wall next to door of Stokely's apartment
30:41 62065 SKU or product? number for Teffrin
30:43 170658 Store product? number
47:44 Multiple numbers Panasonic scanner used by Anthony Porter
48:05 600 Wilbur Avenue 600 ft. sign on freeway
48:40 25 Speed Limit sign on street Porter parks
Murder Is A Taxing Affair - S06E06
Time Number Meaning
1:01 ...56-01 Number on luggage tag
1:01 842 Flight number San Francisco to Honolulu/Written on tag
2:45 7 On Mini-bus driving on airport tarmac
3:31 PS2 Stenciled on mobile staircase for aircraft
5:46 11:30  |  12:30 Boarding and Flight time for Flight 842/Seen upside down
6:11 19-56-03 Luggage tag 
7:50 7c On wall behind baggage claim
8:15 7 Baggage Claim 7
16:47 433 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robinson's hotel suite
28:50 21104 Jonathan Cavel's registration card at International Inn
31:40 366 Alma Saunders' apartment
38:55 P.O. Box 621 Address for Dept. Land & Natural Resources in Honolulu
38:55 845-22nd Ave Address for Salvation Army in Honolulu
38:59 1101 Auahi St. Address for Mrs. Gloria T. Bedard
38:59 1240 Ala Moana Blvd. Address for Mr. & Mrs Raymond Walker
38:59 2444 Dole St.  Address for Professor Victoria McLaren/University of Hawaii
38:59 2221 Kalakaua Ave. Address for Kapiolani Hotel and Mr. & Mrs. Will Rowen
42:31 732-5577 Phone number for cab company/On roof sign
42:31 5 Safety inspection sticker on cab
43:58 50 - 120? Speedometer in stolen station wagon Cavel drives
47:58 150 HPD Unit number
48:03 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue HPD helicopter
Tricks Are Not Treats - S06E07
Time Number Meaning
1:47 1119 Street address for Phoebe's Inn Crowd
4:20 817-018 Phone number for an alarm company/Sign behind Harley Dartson
4:25 1121 Street address for Bob's Soul Food
4:36 1 "1 Hour Parking" sign
6:08 1209 Badge number of HPD officer who found J. Paul
6:28 2487 Safety inspection sticker? on ambulance
6:28 73 Expiration year for ambulance plates
11:09 4 - 5 Measurement of slug in photo McGarrett has in lab
15:20 384? Badge number of HPD officer who shot Wunton
16:16 84791 Five-O Case no. on John Sui's toe tag
16:16 213 Extension of rotary dial phone at Dartson's house
16:16 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone at Dartson's house
24:32 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone at Lolo Kensi's office
26:19 22 and 25 - 40 Gates at Honolulu Airport/On sign at top of ramp
27:00 8 - 4 Scale on photofax machine/Increments of 1/Descending order
27:00 634150 Number on photofax from Detroit
27:00 397568 Alex Gargosa's Detroit Police mug shot
27:00 2 6 67 Date of Gargosa's Detroit Police mug shot
27:00 4 - 6 Height scale on Gargosa's Detroit Police mug shot/Increments of 1
27:31 2643 Stoner Ave. Address for Mr. & Mrs Frank… in Los Angeles
27:31 213 No. Lake Street Address for Mr. Ron Pratt in Detroit, Michigan
27:31 2571 Harrington Ave Address for Mr. John T. Pinerkton in Los Angeles 64?, California
27:31 Los Angeles 64? City for Mr. John T. Pinkerton
31:36 23 Gargosa's room at the Hawaii Hotel
34:04 32 - 35 and 19 - 22 Extensions on McGarrett's phone
41:03 8? Safety inspection sticker on Kuji's car
Why Wait Till Uncle Kevin Dies? - S06E08
Time Number Meaning
1:43 WZ62537 Boat ID/call letters? for radio
2:24 220 Badge number of Hayes Guard putting bomb on boat
3:11 HA 6809 A? Registry number: White boat behind Detective Poheni
4:18 HA 9859 B Registry number: White and Blue boat owned by Charlie Privit
4:38 4 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone at boat harbor
5:35 M-118? Form number for Coroner's Report
5:35 914 Ookala Charles Privit's Residential address
5:35 805 Raft St. Charles Privit's Business address
5:35 H-1 "Between Streets" blank on Coroner's Report
5:35 7/5/73  |  9:45 AM Date and Time Charles Privit killed
5:35 4 Post (Beat) number where Charles Privit was killed
5:35 9:45 AM Time Reported
5:35 5' 11"  |  180 Height and Weight of Charles Privit
13:35 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue helicopter
23:04 15  |  35 Cents/Cost of Daily and Sunday newspapers/On machine by phones
24:00 4 Safety inspection sticker on Five-O car (X-9404)
24:36 5-10 PM Dinner served at "Mike's Broil Your Own"
24:36 1030 PM  4AM Dancing hours at "Mike's Broil Your Own"
24:57 2171 Street address for Beachwalk Broiler? or business next to it
29:31 405 Kapiolani Blvd.  Street address for Reversions, Inc.
29:31 204 Suite for Reversions, Inc.
29:31 732-2144 Phone number for Reversions, Inc.
29:31 923-5944 Phone number for Reversions, Inc.
30:02 2 - 7 Numbers on second rotary dial phone in McGarrett's office
40:27 107 Number on Gas company van
40:53 732-5577 Phone number for Gas company
41:13 25E Ed Bains'/Cutler's apartment
46:20 112 HPD Unit number
Flash Of Color, Flash Of Death - S06E09
Time Number Meaning
1:07 8 AM - 5 PM Hours for US Customs at Honolulu Airport
6:22 158 HPD Unit number
9:38 4 - 6 Height scale on mug shots in Five-O/Increments of 1
11:27 570 Street address of James Kulaani
12:29 732-5577 Phone number for Tri-Star Auto Clinic
13:26 14 Lee Franks' apartment
15:29 2 Measurement of slugs in photo Che has in lab
19:43 41.3  |  36.8 Prices for Premium and Regular gasoline at Tri-Star Auto Clinic
21:26 4 - 7 Floor indicator for elevator in Hal Webber's building/Increments of 1
21:32 9 - 14 Floor indicator for elevator in Webber's building/Increments of 1/13 non-existent
22:08 11A Weber's apartment
22:13 18C Parking spot in garage/Written on wall
22:13 8 Safety inspection sticker on Jake Willis' car
22:18 1834 Sticker on windshield of Hobbs' rental car
30:34 49836 Number on Franks' HPD mug shot
30:34 4 - 5 Height scale on Franks' HPD mug shot/Increments of 1
33:35 2 - 19 Elevator buttons/Increments of 1/13 non-existent
33:47 2 - 19 Floor indicator for elevator/Increments of 1/13 non-existent
35:08 11A Parking spot in garage/Written on wall
38:05 686-1914? Phone number for Webber
38:05 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone at Webber's apartment
40:40 560 Block of Paikau Street
40:40 3900 Block of Diamond Head Road
A Bullet For El - S06E10
Time Number Meaning
1:01 1864 Year University of Hawaii Manoa Campus founded
1:58 1825 Building number for dorm?
3:11 153 HPD Unit number
4:07 112 HPD Unit number
9:53 2768 On landing gear cover of United Airlines aircraft
10:29 PS3 Number on mobile stairs for aircraft
10:29 2589 On landing gear cover of United Airlines aircraft
10:55 GP2 Number on tug servicing United Airlines aircraft
12:54 25 Speed Limit sign on street Five-O and Ramos cars turn onto
15:29 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Carlos Rojas uses
15:29 25 Coin slot on rotary dial pay phone Carlos Rojas uses
15:55 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in command center/8 not seen
18:35 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in command center/McGarrett uses it
23:34 1254 Penthouse room for President Ramos
27:58 1054  1055  1056 Suite? In Ilikai Hotel/Behind Pepe Olivares and Rita Salazar in hall
35:22 4000 "4000 Report-L" model of tape player/recorder in Che's lab
37:05 15 Cents/Cost of Daily newspaper/On front page
38:46 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Olivares uses
42:25 212 Manager's office at apartment building
42:35 207 Rita's apartment
43:16 4:59-5:00 Clock on McGarrett's desk
43:26 93458 Number on Olivares' HPD mug shot
43:26 2 8 73 Date of Olivares' HPD mug shot
43:26 4 - 6 Height scale on Olivares' HPD mug shot/Increments of 1
43:31 4 - 6 Height scale on Rojas' HPD mug shot/Increments of 1
43:36 38954 Number on Rojas' HPD mug shot
43:36 9 2 73? Date of Rojas' HPD mug shot
43:52 119 Carlos Rojas' girlfriend's apartment
45:44 N74119 Registry number: Red, White and glass HPD helicopter
46:15 140 HPD Unit number
46:51 133 HPD Unit number
The Finishing Touch - S06E11
Time Number Meaning
1:58 732-5577 Phone number for Sakai Print Shop
6:33 $5,000 Amount of Bearer Bond with Department of Highways
6:33 6% Interest on Bearer Bond
6:33 1994 Maturity date of Bearer Bond
9:18 8H-4062 Serial number of Bearer Bond with Metropolitan Water District
9:18 $5,000 Amount of Bearer Bond with Metropolitan Water District
9:18 5% Interest on Bearer Bond
9:18 1985 Maturity date of Bearer Bond
13:42 1 - 4  8 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Che's lab
16:43 Multiple numbers On sheet on top of signature page for Norman Cargill
17:14 154 Cargill's office
18:06 $10,000 Amount of Bearer Bond with Municipal School District
18:06 5% Interest on Bearer Bond
18:06 1985 Maturity date of Bearer Bond
19:03 6-M-532 Serial number of Bearer Bond with Municipal School District
22:56 141C Rolana Dr Address for Maxine Taylor/On Danny's notepad
22:56 apt 4 Maxine Taylor's apartment/On Danny's notepad
25:52   2  3  4   On street sign directing multiple lanes
26:23 25 Speed Limit on street Olivia Hillis turns onto
26:23 1000? Block of Richard Street
32:51 $10,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 Amount of Bearer Bond with Metropolitan Water District in case
32:51 5% Interest on Bearer Bonds in case
32:51 1985 Maturity date of Bearer Bonds in case
33:01 6% Interest on Bearer Bond
33:01 199… Maturity date of Bearer Bond
33:11 10136 PO Box Cargill is using to mail bonds to himself
33:42 $10,000 Amount of Bearer Bond with Metropolitan Water District
33:42 5% Interest on Bearer Bond
33:42 1985 Maturity date of Bearer Bond
45:49 1 - 4  8 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Taylor's apartment
46:15 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Cargill uses
46:15 25 Coin slot on rotary dial pay phone Cargill uses
47:52 135 HPD Unit number
49:24 160 HPD Unit number
Anybody Can Build A Bomb - S06E12
Time Number Meaning
4:02 10 Speed Limit on street governor's car turns off of
4:07 238 "Uranium 238" on diagram showing bomb/On paper
5:51 66 "Phillips 66" sign in background as McGarrett rides in governor's car
6:37 1864 Year University of Hawaii Manoa Campus founded
9:38 238 "Uranium 238" on diagram showing bomb/On chalkboard
13:46 215 "Room 215"/City of Honolulu: Demolition Permits
13:56 110 HPD Unit number
14:12 136 HPD Unit number
15:13 238 "Uranium 238" labels on tanks/Seen twice
15:13 210 "Polonium 210" on flask in lab
15:44 210 "Polonium 210" on tanks/Seen multiple times
15:48 A-5 Newspaper page of article McGarrett reads cut out of
18:40 Multiple numbers List of companies and people possibly involved in bomb
21:15 0 - .5 Range on 'Gieger counter'/Increments of .1
27:42 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue HPD helicopter
28:29 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone at Dr. Elias Haig's house
28:29 786-2300 Phone number for Dr. Haig
30:12 E 7 HFD Fire truck/Seen on front 
32:37 0 - 10 On guage Dr. Haig uses/Increments of 2/0 not seen
32:37 45 - 0 Degrees/On guage Dr. Haig uses/Increments of 5
32:37 0 - 16 Degrees?/On guage Dr. Haig uses/Increments of 2
32:37 60 - 0 Degrees/On guage Dr. Haig uses/Increments of 10
35:11 9/16/73 Date on Dr. Haig's ticket
35:11 6/16/73? Date Dr. Haig's ticket was issued?
35:11 0432 Flight number Honolulu to "S" location/Written on Dr. Haig's ticket
35:11 1:49  |  1:25  Flight times?
40:07 101 North King Street Address for Bank of Hawaii Market Branch
44:58 4 "Air Service 4" stenciled on trailer with money on it/Front and back
45:08 8 Stenciled on tug moving money to airplane
Try To Die On Time - S06E13
Time Number Meaning
0:56 7 Seventh party Harry Foxton has to celebrate not dying
3:31 6 Golf cart used by Foxton and Dr. Roy Bromley/On front and sides
14:13 9-10   10-11  11-12 Times McGarrett writes on blackboard
20:14 736952 File number on Lab tag
20:14 9-3-73 Date on Lab tag
24:51 A45159 Number on first mug shot of 'wire men' on Oahu
25:09 4 - 6 Height scale on Mel Listie's mug shot/Increments of 1
25:09 638529 Number on Listie's HPD mug shot
25:09 5 18 73 Date of Listie's mug shot
35:24 #30625 On teletype from Chicago Police to Five-O re: Mel Listie/Positive ID
36:11 26 Listie's apartment
36:31 24 Apartment behind Ben as he moves alongside McGarrett
39:12 28 Apartment passed by Dr. Bergman as he arrives at Listie's place
41:06 3 Safety inspection sticker on Listie's van
42:23 Multiple numbers Voltage meter/Instrument Che Fong uses to find bugs
44:10 3300 Model of reel-to-reel tape recorder
The $100,000 Nickel - S06E14
Time Number Meaning
0:56 1903 Date on coin
2:55 1913 Date on coin that was "1903"
3:10 1913 Date on coin insured for $100,000
3:57 7 Safety inspection sticker on Paul Anthony's car
4:07 131 HPD Unit number
12:27 6 G .3 S .7 C Grams/Amount of metals in coin-6 gold, .3 silver, .7 copper?
12:27 1879 Date on rare coin
12:32 400 Cents/Amount coin has in tender-$4/Back of coin
12:48 1796 Date on Liberty coin
12:58 1795 Date on Liberty coin
15:48 15 Cents/Cost of newspaper per copy
15:48 1 "1 Nickel"/"1 Dime"/Seen twice
15:48 1910? Date on coin put into newspaper machine
17:41 15  |  15  |  35 Cents/Cost of Daily and Sunday newspapers/On machines
20:42 15  |  35 Cents/Cost of Daily and Sunday newspapers/On machine
21:28 4 Safety inspection sticker on Jennings' station wagon
22:25 60 - 120 Speedometer in Arnie and Millie Price's car
26:32 201 Arnie and Millie's hotel room
31:42 Multiple numbers Written on boxes strewn throughout the alley
33:04 152 HPD Unit number
35:08 537-5630 Phone number for Annie's Lei Stand
38:40 1968 Date on half-dollar coin
39:15 140 HPD Unit number
39:36 1111 Badge number of HPD officer arresting Arnie
44:02 0 - 55 Kitchen timer Eric Damien uses for bomb
44:13 90 Number of cement truck at plant
The Flip Side Is Death - S06E15
Time Number Meaning
1:37 29BG-15SV Stenciled on front and rear bumpers of first Army jeep
1:43 2P02326 Stenciled on side of hood on second Army jeep
1:43 154T-T Stenciled on front and rear bumpers of second Army jeep
1:53 154T-T Stenciled on front and rear bumpers of first Army jeep
2:55 35 Speed Limit on road 'convoy' uses
2:55 38 0742 "US Army 38 0742" on driver's side of hood on Army truck
3:05 29BG-15SV Stenciled on front and rear bumpers of second Army jeep
3:31 76 Phillips 76 logo at gas station
3:36 137 HPD Unit number
6:05 216 HPD Unit number
11:20 270 Duke's Badge number
13:39 95326 Registry number: Coast Guard cutter Cape Corwin
18:02 6 Floor plaque next to elevator at Kuilima Resort
22:56 96816 Zip Code for Walker Music Company in Honolulu
22:56 3352 PO Box for Art Walker in Los Angeles
22:56 90027 Zip Code for Art Walker in Los Angeles
24:03 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Danny uses
25:10 L-6 On all the pineapple boxes in Joe Keao's truck/van
25:46 406 Badge number of HPD officer searching cab of Keao's truck/van
27:49 139 HPD Unit number
32:28 625 Room delivery to 625 for "Baby bottle"
32:28 625 Room delivery to 625 for "Chicken sandwich"
40:17 114 HPD Unit number
40:48 1176 Badge number of HPD officer who finds Keao's body
41:08 235? HPD Unit number
43:06 1 - 4 Tracks on "Bob Dylan: New Morning" 8-track tape
The Banzai Pipeline - S06E16
Time Number Meaning
1:58 4 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone at Edward Huffman's house
5:50 $100 Bands around money in briefcase/Seen three times
5:50 $50  |  $500 Bands around money in briefcase
6:11 317 9090 842 Huffman's credit card number
6:11 Dec 31 Expiration date for Huffman's credit card
16:35 95483 Number on Andy Koa's HPD mug shot
16:35 4 - 6 Height scale on Koa's HPD mug shot/Increments of 1
16:35 #15627 File number for Koa's record/Used by Five-O
17:11 201? Koa's apartment number
17:21 201 Leila Meyer's apartment number
21:55 1269? House number for Rick and Roger McDivitt
26:33 $150 Amount on 'Range Game' seen on "The Price is Right"/On TV in shop
30:57 136 HPD Unit number
34:33 40 Model of "Addressograph Electric Recorder"
36:22 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Cass Tanner uses
37:23 ### ## 8740 Rick McDivitt's license number
37:23 14899 Tupukei Road Address for Rick McDivitt
37:23 170  |  6/00 Weight and Height for Rick McDivitt
37:23 4/30/76 Expiration date for Rick McDivitt's driver's license
37:23 0  3 Unknown what these are/On Rick McDivitt's driver's license
37:23 4/30/48 Rick McDivitt's date of birth
37:29 944-1212 Phone number on poster behind Duke
48:04 215 HPD Unit number
One Born Every Minute - S06E17
Time Number Meaning
3:57 1181 Badge nubmer of HPD officer who shakes his head at Danny
12:01 831 Street address for bogus business in bunco scheme
13:50 45 Speed Limit on highway near North Shore?
25:51 1 - 5  8 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in McGarett's office
25:56 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Ben uses
31:26 229 Hotel room of man questioned by Five-O
31:32 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Joe Connors uses
32:54 14… Harry and Natalie Maguire's room in Ilikai Hotel
37:22 138 HPD Unit number
40:18 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Danny uses
42:46 24 "24 Hrs" on bicycle rental sign in background
42:46 $4.00 Cost for renting a bicycle for 24 hours
44:44 2 PM "No deliveries after 2 PM" sign at back of restaurant
44:54 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone at maitre d' stand in restaurant
48:18 464 Joe Connors' hotel room
Secret Witness - S06E18
Time Number Meaning
1:38 24 "Open 24 Hours"/Sign on Kal Bi House resturant door
2:40 1145C Street address for Kal Bi House resturant
2:40 1145B Street address for Michiko's Flowers
3:57 100  |  50 Bands around money in bag
5:14 23-8956 Theodore Reynolds' Library card
5:14 9916 Kapena Street Reynolds' address on Library card
5:20 216 HPD Unit number
5:30 207 HPD Unit number
6:01 4 Safety inspection sticker on Joe Wang's car
9:12 5/1/74 Expiration date for Reynolds' Library card
12:54 $10,000 Reward offered by Secret Witness program at newspaper
15:03 20 - 50 Ruler on Reynolds' typewriter/Increments of 10
16:15 9916 House number on mailbox for Reynolds
17:32 1000  |  500  |  100 Bands around money in safe deposit box/1000 seen four times
17:38 1000 Bands around money on desk/Seen six times
19:36 11 - 8 Library hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday/Seen three times
19:36 10 - 5 Library hours on Friday
19:36 9 - 5 Library hours on Saturday
20:43 Multiple numbers Several phone numbers and address on page Bo Lansing looks at
20:43 127 Koa St Address for "Reynolds Mrs Ted"
20:49 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone in booth where Lansing rips out page
24:05 8 - 18 "8th Ave" to "18th Ave" on map in McGarrett's office/Increments of 1
25:01 53  60  70 80 100  130  150 Frequencies on Panasonic portable radio Reynolds has
26:50 1 - 5 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Che's lab
28:07 270 Duke's Badge number
34:55 732-2088 Phone number for Kal Bi House resturant
35:41 $1.75 Price for Special: Chicken Fried Steak
35:41 1.55  |  1.60  |  1.25  |  1.50 Prices on menu/1.55 and 1.50 seen twice
35:41 1145-C 12th Avenue  Address for Kal Bi House resturant/Seen on menu
36:28 6' Clearance in apartment parking garage
38:43 601 Reynolds' apartment number
40:06 3539 House number for R. Tanaka/On mailbox
40:21 3539 Ewo Blvd Address for "Tanaka R"/In phone book
40:21 555-6571 Phone number for R Tanaka
40:21 Multiple numbers Several phone numbers and address on page Bo Lansing looks at
40:47 202 HPD Unit number
40:57 9 Safety inspection sticker on HPD car
41:43 15 Speed Limit on street of standoff
41:18 19 On telephone/power pole on street
46:44 15 15 Minute parking limit for visitors at apartment building
Death With Father - S06E19
Time Number Meaning
3:26 260 On gas mask filter
3;41 1200 Badge number of HPD officer who snipes guy by truck
15:13 5 - 6 Height scale on Ernie Fallon's HPD mug shot/Increments of 1
15:13 53984 Number on Fallon's HPD mug shot
15:13 9 28 73 Date of Fallon's HPD mug shot
20:02 109? Fallon's hospital room
21:40 9:30 AM Opening time for Waikiki Natatorium
21:40 5:00 PM Closing time for Waikiki Natatorium
24:50 76 Phillips 76 globe at gas station
25:47 211 HPD Unit number
35:46 B 1 2 3 4 5  Floor indicator on HPD elevator
37:03 213 HPD Unit number
38:01 Multiple numbers On board/wall behind McGarrett/Seen upside down
41:31 1 - 4; 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Lee Song's office
46:38 270 Duke's Badge number
Murder With A Golden Touch - S06E20
Time Number Meaning
3:46 0 - 90 Numbers on spin dial of safe/Increments of 10
10:19 2058 Suite/Room for "Asian Metal Art Co"
11:52 8 Pier 8/In background when Chin Ho talks to Chinese elders
27:46 229 HPD Unit number
33:58 4 Safety inspection sticker on Joe Quinlan's car
38:32 1790 Year U.S. Coast Guard establiched/On wall in crest behind Danny
41:17 200 HPD Unit number
47:55 8:30 - 3:00 Bank's hours Monday-Thursday
47:55 8:30 - 6:00 Bank's hours Friday
Nightmare in Blue - S06E21
Time Number Meaning
4:17 1 HFD Rescue 1 on helmets/Seen five times
8:30 534 Joy Muller's and Sherry Wells' shared apartment
13:39 679 House number for Joe and Andrea Burdick
22:00 1209 Walter Stark's fake badge number
22:31 10 Speed Limit of road Laura is "broken down" on
24:24 270 Duke's Badge number
28:21 10:00 to 11:00 AM Daily Hospital Visiting Hours/On sign on sidewalk
28:21 2:00 to 4:00 PM Daily Hospital Visiting Hours/On sign on sidewalk
28:21 6:00 to 8:00 PM Daily Hospital Visiting Hours/On sign on sidewalk
29:34 537 Storage room in hosptial/Behind McGarrett 
29:49 534 Andrea Burdick's hospital room
34:43 166 HPD Unit number
34:48 159 HPD Unit number
34:48 138 HPD Unit number
34:53 234 HPD Unit number
34:53 211 HPD Unit number
34:53 133 HPD Unit number
34:53 134 HPD Unit number
35:24 54? Captain Ed Harada's Badge number
36:31 25D Donna Wilson's apartment
37:07 158? HPD Unit number
37:07 132 HPD Unit number
42:06 Sept 25 Date of Andrea Burdick's attack
45:51 Sept 22 Date of Sharon Powers' attack
Mother's Deadly Helper - S06E22
Time Number Meaning
4:33 426 Street address for Family Court
6:22 199? HPD Unit number
6:32 211 HPD Unit number
7:08 270 Duke's Badge number
14:12 20000? GVW of Police truck backing toward fence at Oahu State Prison
16:10 4 Patsy Lihau's apartment
20:47 394 Written on box behind Lester Smith as he types letter
24:16 1 In studio camera 
24:36 MI-592-6M Written on box behind Smith as he watches McGarrett on TV
33:28 711 Cab number for "Hawaiian Adventure"/On roof sign
40:12 ### ## 8522 Cord McKenzie's driver's license
40:12 1722 Kiola Street McKenzie's address
41:39 4 Safety inspection sticker on Blue station wagon in court parking lot
47:01 8:30 PM to 3:00 AM Effective hours for Passenger Loading Zone
47:06 1 1 minute limit for Passenger Loading Zone
47:37 944-1212 Phone number for Crimestoppers/On poster in Smith's office
Killer at Sea - S06E23
Time Number Meaning
2:35 1000 Bands around money being counted by teller/Seen twice
2:40 10 Dec 73 Date of check written by Vincent Gordon
2:40 2152 Check written by Gordon
2:40 2153 Next check in book Gordon has
2:45 $22,000 Amount of check written by Gordon
5:05 136 HPD Unit number
5:10 149 HPD Unit number
6:48 4 "Area 4" painted on wall at dock for cruise ship
6:58 220 Badge number of guard at dock
7:03 270 Duke's Badge number
8:16 166 HPD Unit number
9:33 39 On pole at cruise ship dock
11:12 3 Safety inspection sticker on Physician's ambulance
12:14  238  234 Cabin for Mr. and Mrs. Harper on SS Monterey
18:57 458 Telephone number for baggage hold area
19:44 J-2 Table McGarrett and Gordon are shown to in the dining room
20:20 L-5 Table where Gordon looks to try to identify killer
20:40 L-4 Table where Elena Lewis is sitting
36:06 1 Lifeboat 1
36:06 480 Cubic feet for Lifeboat 1
36:06 48 Persons rated for Lifeboat 1
40:15 12421 Seal number on dry storage door
42:59 526 Courtesy phone on board ship
30,000 Rooms And I Have The Key - S06E24
Time Number Meaning
1:07 254  255  256 Suite? In Ilikai Hotel/Oaks Security Guard locking door
1:58 254 Written on S.R. Horus' notepad
2:39 220 Badge number of Oaks Security Guard in Ilikai Hotel
7:39 766 Room in Ilikai Hotel
11:51 304 Badge number Horus uses disguised as Guard in Ilikai Hotel
11:56 502 Room at Coral Crown Hotel/On key tag/Seen on door at 12:38
22:26 12:30 - 2:00 Lunch hours for Manager Holt at Coral Crown Hotel
31:12 Multiple numbers Voltage meter/Instrument Danny uses to find bugs
36:11 16 - 21   22 Gates at Honolulu Airport/On sign at top of ramp
36:42 4 Safety inspection sticker on Five-O car (X-9404)
38:01 9th "9th Floor Stairway"/On door
38:06 10th "10th Floor Stairway"/On door
39:01 1001-1009 and 1101-1109 Labels for hotel room phone lines in Hawaiian Regent/Increments of 1
39:53 3 "3 women linked to prison guns"/Newspaper headline
39:59 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone behind Simmons
39:59 Multiple numbers Telephone switchboard at Hawaiian Regent/10 and 16 prominent
40:55 1004 Newhall's hotel room at Hawaiian Regent
41:05 1005 Hotel room Danny is in to stake out Newhall's room
41:41 919 Horus' hotel room in Hawaiian Regent
42:17 L 20859109 B Serial number for $10 bill Horus left behind
42:17 12 On $10 bill Horus left behind/Seen three times
43:08 1933 Suite at Hawaiian Regent Hotel